Some Big News!


Make at 140 Outside

Some of you may have read my previous blog post back in November about how tough things often are being an independent business. Writing that blog was a good move, it came from the heart and it hit a note. The response we have had has been incredible, the support shown from customers, friends, and colleagues has really inspired me to carry on. You could say, that was a big turning point for Make.


So, the time has come where I have had to make a big decision… We are leaving 140 Vauxhall St!


Rest assured, this is by no means the end, it’s just the next stage: we are moving on, we are moving UP!


I absolutely love 140 Vauxhall Street, the space, the light and the flow of the building, but we need to grow. We need flexibility – more room for creativity and collaboration. So, we’re looking for bigger premises, somewhere we can hold more - and a greater variety of - workshops, more hen and children’s parties, more events, more making


Agility in business is important and I need to move to keep Make alive and open for this wonderful community of makers, cake eaters, and coffee drinkers. We do have a few premises’ in mind (which we think are fabulous) but all need careful consideration, so, watch this space..


Over the next few months and in to Summer we will carry on as we are with all the workshops, the café and shop. There will be lots happening in the background as we search for a new home and current plans are that we won’t be closed over any period.

Excited?! We are!


In the meantime, please do share your thoughts on our social pages, continue to share the Make love and thank you as always for your continued support.


Just one more thing, for your thoughts, Make is currently known as Make at 140 Vauxhall St, I chose this name so it could move and grow. So, it could be Make at ……….?  Fill in the gaps!


  • Lydia

    Fantastic. As Helen Keller said,
    “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

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